The Definitive Guide to Czech Men (Men from the Czech Republic)

A bit more on the traditional side, with strong family values and generally fit and handsome – this would be a short description of the Czech man. But we’re going to get more in depth today, so read on!
The Czech Republic is a country that never ceases to amaze. From the stunning architecture of Prague with its Dancing House, to the picturesque mountains and valleys that surround it, this small nation has a lot of charm and truly amazing people.
And today we’re going to talk about the latter. Mainly, what makes Czech men so different from others, what to expect from them in a relationship and much more.
Some think that the men in this country are all farmers or lumberjacks, but that’s obviously not the case.
While they are a bit more traditional in values, they are also very modern and with varied hobbies and interests, just like it happens with man all over the world.
For example, if you go to Prague, you’ll find more stylish men with an interest in art and culture. If you venture out into the countryside though, you’ll see a lot more traditional clothes and a much heavier work ethic, with more “manly men” out there.
But what matters the most is that all men in Czechia are very special and, most importantly, can make YOU feel very special. Let’s see why and how.
Czech Men: Personality Traits
Hardworking and with a strong sense of family values – this is how I would describe Czech men first. These would be their main characteristics in my opinion, although there is, obviously, a lot more.
Generally, they like to play it safe (both in life and relationships) and they aren’t big on taking risks. This doesn’t mean that they lack passion – on the contrary! They just want to make sure that the decision they make is the right one and usually safer is better.
Most likely, you’ll meet a Czech man that is romantic and not cold, like men from Hungary sometimes appear to be. But despite their romantic nature, they know how to be firm when the situation requires it.
They are not known to be the most loyal men in the world, though, especially early on in the relationship. So you might have to put in some effort to make sure that he remains yours.
To help you achieve that and much more, I strongly recommend reading this guide. It will change your life and make your relationships so easy and safe from now on, even if you stumble upon a man who likes to look around.
Czech Men: Physical Traits
Czech men are generally tall, with an average height of around 180 cm (5’9″). Generally, they are slim and fit. You’ll find that most of them are pretty light-skinned too and very pleasant to the eye!
Usually, they have dark hair and lighter eyes. His face is usually pretty angular but in a very masculine and attractive way.
He’s probably going to be wearing simple clothes, that are practical for work or recreation around the house. You’ll find him dressed up more often on special occasions though since he likes to look his best when the situation requires it.
Generally speaking, though, we can safely say that men in the Czech Republic are handsome and they know it and care about their physical appearance.
This also means that they expect their partner to be the same – and you’ll have some serious competition from Czech women, which really take care of themselves and are up there among the most beautiful in the world.
The good thing is that they are generally attracted by foreigners, so this will work in your advantage and count as a small added bonus.
But do try to put some effort to look good for him – he will always appreciate that because men in Czechia are very visual people.
Czech Men in a Relationship: What is it like to date one?
There are a lot of myths about Czech men being afraid to reveal their emotions or being unfaithful… and some of them do have a bit of truth behind them, especially the latter.
But I already linked to an amazing guide above – make sure to read it and you will never have to worry about anything!
A good number of men here are very open-minded though and they won’t hide their feelings or consider it un-masculine to do so.
When in a relationship with a man from the Czech Republic, know that they can’t stand clingy behavior and they need some space… but this doesn’t mean that he is with another woman. This is just the way they are.
Most likely things will change a bit later on, as they are, in their soul, very family-oriented and care about their families.
He will want to plan a future with you and start spending more time at home when he’s not working or taking care of his hobbies.
He’ll always make sure that you are comfortable all the time… And this is because they put their woman first, no matter what.
If there are any problems though – do not hesitate to speak with him about them. He will be very open and willing to talk things through!
He likes to go out on dates and will take you to some of the best restaurants in town (check some of my recommendations in Prague), but do understand that sometimes he’ll just prefer to order a pizza and spend time with you in front of the TV – there’s nothing wrong about that.
As you can see, Czech men are some of the best partners that a woman can hope for – at least when they like you enough on first sight.
Their personality is great and they take care of their woman in a way that will make her happy all the time.
When dating Czech men, be sure to know what you want from life and stick with it. They will admire a woman who knows what she wants.
Hopefully, this makes it easier for you to understand how men in Czechia are – both in a relationship as well as in general terms. I am sure that you will find it very easy to fall in love with these unique kind of people
They are definitely worth fighting for if you want to have an amazing relationship. They truly make the best partners…
But only for those who deserve it – which is why I recommend reading this guide first before even thinking of anything serious with one of these men.
Now I’m passing this over to you. Ever been in a relationship with a man from the Czech Republic? Let us all know how it all went, as well as any tips and tricks you might have to make a dating one a breeze.